How Charlotte has improved her body confidence and found harmony with PCOS in time for her Wedding day!

Emily De Luzy

Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life. But many women are petrified about getting to their big day, standing in front of the mirror and feeling ashamed at the woman they see in the mirror. Charlotte was one of these women...

With a year to go until her big day, Charlotte hated the way she looked. The idea of going wedding dress shopping filled her with anxiety & that pit of the stomach feeling. She was stuck living a life believing that loving your body is only for the lucky few women.

Charlotte felt trapped. She wanted to lose weight for her wedding day. The idea of feeling beautiful & worthy was a dream she desperately wanted.

But her confidence was rock bottom. With a busy work life in TV production, 2 recent knee surgeries & absolutely no idea what to do in the gym, she was daunted by the challenge. She felt like she was finding any excuse not to take the plunge.

Feeling beautiful & confident on your wedding day isn’t a feeling reserved for those few lucky women who have never had to battle with their body image. Every woman is worthy and deserved of them.

You can adore your body - the way you want it to be.

Thankfully, Charlotte plucked up the courage to say “enough is enough” and make a change.

After 12 weeks the results are astonishing. She now cannot wait to wear her wedding dress.
Success is often measured in pounds and inches. And Charlotte has done great losing over 1 stone (14lbs or 6.4kgs) in just 12 weeks.

But what is a true measure of how far Charlotte has come, is her confidence.
Whilst she used to dread clothes shopping & others seeing her; she is now excited to wear new clothes. She is even confident & excited about showing her fiance just how amazing she feels, something she never used to do.

So how did she achieve this?

Charlotte is an intelligent, driven woman. But she lacked the clear information & support needed to boost her confidence.

She used to punish herself with restrictive diets - like cutting carbs completely - and lived a life of yo-yo dieting. Now, Charlotte has been shown how she can have the body she loves whilst still eating the foods she wants most. How she can still go to the pub and have a glass of wine without feeling the crippling guilt of “going off plan”.

Why? Because it is all part of the greater plan!

The plan to live a sustainable lifestyle with food and exercise built around the life Charlotte wants to live.

So what did we do to guarantee Charlotte would finally feel love for her body? We…

  • Created personalised nutrition plans based around her favourite foods.
  • Taught her how to exercise to minimise time & maximise results.
  • Provided a guiding hand that she could reach out to when she needed.
  • Kept things fresh by changing & updating her plans when needed.
  • Introduced her to our community of supportive women to boost her self esteem.
  • Celebrated her wins every step of the way to build her sense of self worth.
  • Created a plan for how she would manage her life after the program to sustain results.

Charlotte has achieved amazing results, and continues to do so all on her own. By teaching her the only truly sustainable way to lose weight and instilling the self believe she needed, she is living the life she once only dreamed of.

Click play below to hear Charlotte open up about her journey so far.

Happiness isn’t for the lucky few. Every woman is worthy of it & every woman is equal. Charlotte used to believe that she was going to be forever known as “the chubby girl”.
And the biggest win from this story? Charlotte now believes that she can be any woman she wants to be.

If you live a life where you don’t feel worthy, or you think that “maybe I should just accept the way I am”. Let Charlotte inspire you to believe that you can be the woman that you want to be.
At times it will feel daunting and uncomfortable. And your mind will tell you that you can’t do it. But you absolutely can. Take it one step at a time.

If you want to learn a bit more about how you can change your life forever.
Take one small first step.

I want to offer you a free, no-obligation consultation call.

We can discuss everything you feel. And I will show you that there is a path to feeling worthy, self-confident & adoring your body.

Book Your Complimentary Consultation Today

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